
Would you know which is the perfect curtain for your house?

Choosing one type of curtain or another will undoubtedly influence the personality of your home.

We show you different types of curtains to inspire you and above all to choose wisely when decorating your home.

Minimalist, vintage, classic, sophisticated, natural … What style do you choose?


The roller blind is perfectly integrated into every environment. Thanks to the wide range of fabrics and colors available, it fits in all kinds of decorative styles in addition to bringing sobriety to your space.

Adheres directly to door and window frames without holes or screws. These curtains can provide almost total opacity. It allows to open the window without the need to collect the blind.

It is the vertically sliding panel that separates rooms or covers windows with maximum elegance. It brings personality to your space.

The folding blind covers a wide range of decorative styles. It is a functional and decorative curtain ideal for all kinds of environments. It allows to open the window without the need to collect the blind. Easy cleaning and maintenance.

The traditional curtain endows the space with elegance, harmony and great decorative richness. They have different types of folds that adapt to each environment, such as the flat, gathered or triple fold or through the eyelets that give volume to the traditional curtain.

These curtains add warmth to an environment making it pleasant thanks to the nobility of the wood. The space becomes a cozy space thanks to transforming light into warmth. These curtains also allow precise control of external visibility.


These curtains are ideal for directing sunlight and maintaining privacy. Its aesthetic is modern and functional.

The vertical curtain slats control the entry of light precisely with two movements and a turn of up to 180º. In addition to covering large dimensions, the vertical curtain adapts to irregular spaces. Its collection is lateral.


Its adaptability and minimum collection space make it the most versatile curtain. It is the ideal solution for windows that have special shapes thanks to its multiple installation possibilities.

It is an opaque fabric curtain that does not let light through. They are usually used for windows without shutters and is placed behind the decorative curtain.

The day and night blinds are a version of roller blinds but work with a horizontal striped fabric with two textures. One of them is translucent and the other opaque. With this design, the curtain remains with two parallel striped fabrics that with a small movement of the curtain knob, we can make the most opaque stripes remain parallel or conversely playing with the intensity of the light and with the intimacy that we want in every moment.

If you do not know what type of curtain would best match your home, from Oslätt we can help you.


Golden City: Delicious Oriental Food

With the Oslätt interior design studio, the Golden City restaurant offers all kinds of oriental food in Alicante. Its gastronomic offer offers Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Taiwanese and Korean cuisine.

The restaurant, a small oriental universe located in a space of about 300 square meters, which combines brand image and interior design, is located on the ground floor of a building on the Gran Vía in Alicante, which enjoys great natural lighting due to the large windows that have been installed so that the connection to the outside is as direct as possible.

If we think of an Asian place, we may associate them with fast food places and without any aesthetic pretension. Hence, the surprising thing about this project, since combining the creative and artistic point of view, a unique, singular and calm space has been created that from the outside seems a sober place due to the black color of the facade, but when you enter you transports to restaurants in eastern countries.

The establishment, divided into two floors, offers various settings to taste oriental cuisine, such as private rooms, lounges and the terrace, or simply enjoy the “take-away” service, waiting relaxed with a cocktail in the waiting area.

But without a doubt, what is most striking is the bar area. A very studied design, which apart from being functional, transports us to an Asian forest thanks to the mixture of plants.

The visual cleaning is carried out in small details such as the type of furniture or the chosen coverings. All this is combined with a wide differentiated range of seats: wooden and polypropylene chairs, leather-covered benches, comfortable sofas that invite you to choose different environments and striking chairs for their design in the waiting area.

In addition, the careful choice of materials and the neutrality of the color palette applied mainly in the living room area, manage to give a cozy and comfortable appearance by playing with the typical aesthetics of those places and the mixture of various types of printed paper. Orientals. This causes attention to be paid to the “Asian” origin of the place.

The wooden panels that make up the space, in addition to distributing and decorating, provide the necessary acoustic comfort with the advantage, if necessary, of providing small spaces, more intimate and cozy.

The lighting, very studied and punctual with spotlights and decorative lamps, provides a touch of theatricality. It achieves greater spectacularity, but it also achieves an intimate and cozy use in the different areas of the restaurant through the different color ranges used.


7 Decoration trends for 2019

Do you know what are the latest trends in interior design for this 2019?
If you want to redecorate your home next year, take note of the most promising trends that are going to take over in interior decoration.
At Oslätt we give you the keys to hit the mark:


The new upholstery to create warm environments, will invite you to spend more time at home.

Integrates the style of any room with a note of warmth and color.



You can make your house look bigger without the need for a partition.

Without a doubt, white is the color that visually expands a room and provides the most light. In addition, using this color in furniture, you will manage to occupy less visual space.



If you are a lover of wood on the floor … why not put it on the ceiling too?

If you want to provide an extra warmth , don’t hesitate to dress your wooden ceiling, even with some planks.



Have you still not given a green touch to your house with a plant ?

If you think that plants only bring design and beauty to our home, you were not right: plants oxygenate the environment, produce a relaxing effect, improve mood and improve the health of the air we breathe, among many other advantages!



Rooms decorated with wood become comfortable and warm spaces .

Furthermore, the use of this material is not exclusive to the rustic style , you just have to choose the appropriate type and finish of the wood.



Don’t settle for a architectural style : & nbsp; in the world of interior , there are no limitations.

If you have a industrial architecture house, you can add rustic decorative touches (or vice versa).



Materials such as copper and black iron will undoubtedly give a contemporary and authentic touch to your home.

In addition, they adapt to both a modern decoration and a classic interior .


9 great ideas with mirrors

Do you want to put a mirror in your house and you don’t know how?

From Oslätt we show you different options on how to place a mirror (or several) in your home.

Today it is unthinkable to have a home without mirrors: at least, we all have one in the bathroom. But, if we use this element in other rooms, we provide an extra light and give a greater feeling of spaciousness to the space.

Without a doubt, apart from being a functional component in the home, the mirror has become an element of decoration that gives any room a great personality.

We are clear that mirrors are trending , but … do we know how to place them? Do we know the types of mirrors that exist?



If you have ever resisted buying multiple mirrors because you thought you were not going to have enough space, we recommend that you treat yourself and put them all together.
You will love the result.



If you are lucky enough to have a fireplace in your home … decorate it!
Have you tried putting a large mirror over the fireplace? Without a doubt, it will bring a lot of light to that special corner.



Putting one mirror in front of another is a good solution for narrow and small spaces: we will achieve depth, lighting and design.



Why not?
This element can cover all kinds of flat surfaces and with it, bring a lot of light.



Do you have a maxi mirror and don’t know where to put it?
If you put it on the floor, it will be reflected and you will gain a greater feeling of spaciousness.



Si tienes una pared vacía y no encuentras ningún cuadro que te entusiasme… ¿por qué no poner un espejo?

If you have an empty wall and can’t find a painting that excites you … why not put a mirror?


As we said at the beginning of this post, if there is a single mirror in a home, it will be in the bathroom.
We recommend that you do not place this object in front of the bathroom door , much better on one side.



This is an excellent resource to give a different touch to a wall.
Add a special charm to your room with these original mirrors.



Beyond the classic mirrors, we find many decorative elements made with mirrors , such as photo frames, figures, tiles and even bedside tables.

As you can see, in mirrors it is not necessary to apply the “less is more”.
Illuminate and visually expand your home using these elements.

If you want to give a new look to your home and don’t know where to start, do not hesitate to contact contact with our interior designers.


Create your own dressing room

Obviamente, el vestidor nos apasiona y tener uno en casa es una idea que nos fascina. El orden es fundamental para tener todas nuestras prendas a la vista y a mano. Por eso, existen varias formas de ordenar nuestros zapatos, vestidos largos y cortos, pantalones, faldas, etc. en un vestidor sin que ocupe espacio excesivo y que quede tan decorativo como en las revistas.

Percheros, baldas, baldas abatibles, cajones, pantaloneras… son algunas soluciones para ordenar cualquier tipo de prenda.

Orden para prendas de vestir

Para prendas largas como vestidos, faldas, abrigos, monos… lo más cómodo y práctico es utilizar percheros de mayor altura para evitar que arrastren, se arruguen y se estropeen. Las perchas nos facilitan el acceso a ellas y siempre estarán listas para utilizarlas.

Baldas, cajones y baldas abatibles podemos emplearlas para guardar partes de arriba. Los jerséis en baldas o cajones, la lana es muy delicada y colgarlos en perchas podría deteriorar estas prendas. Camisas, camisetas y chaquetas en perchas, aunque las camisetas pueden ser guardadas en baldas o baldas abatibles también.

Para las partes de abajo: pantalones, faldas, shorts, leggins… podemos combinar diferentes organizadores. Por ejemplo, las pantaloneras son muy prácticas para colgar varios pantalones a la vez. Para las faldas y algunos shorts se puede optar por perchero empleando perchas de pinza. Las partes de abajo con materiales más delicados es mejor doblarlas y guardarlas en cajones.

Orden en el calzado

Para ordenar el calzado, al igual que las prendas de vestir, podemos clasificarlas en diferentes estilos y modelos.

La selección de estantes con baldas es ideal para tener todo el calzado que más utilizamos ordenado y a la vista. Sencillo, económico y a medida. ¡Un éxito seguro!

Para los tacones tenemos la solución que mejor se ajusta a la necesidad orden-visual. Las baldas con regleta de vidrio ocupan muy poco espacio y dejan a la vista toda nuestra colección de zapatos de tacón mostrándonos una bonita exposición.

Pero si preferimos no dejarlos a la vista, los cajones a medida son la mejor solución, aunque también se puede utilizar para guardar los zapatos de ocasiones especiales ya que son más prácticos y seguros que las cajas.

Tenemos que tener presente el tipo de calzado que queremos guardar. Los zapateros extraíbles son geniales para zapatillas, zapatos masculinos e incluso botines. Para botas altas mejor utilizar baldas o cajoneras profundas.

Orden de los complementos

  • Ropa Interior: para estas pequeñas prendas lo mejor es guardarla en cajitas o en cajones. Los separadores para cajones suelen ser muy útiles.
  • Cinturones: un cinturonero es indispensable en cualquier armario o vestidor. Es la mejor forma de tener todos los cinturones guardados de manera ordenada.
  • Sombrero y gorras. Las baldas dan mayor comodidad y practicidad a estos complementos. Los tendrás a la vista, a mano y ordenados.
  • Corbatas y pajaritas: los corbateros al igual que los cinturoneros son muy prácticos, puedes colgar en ellos varias corbatas a la vez y además ocupan muy copo espacio. Las pajaritas, podemos optar por mantenerlas guardadas en cajones.
  • Bolsos: al igual que los sombreros, los bolsos es mucho mejor que estén en baldas que nos facilite el acceso a cualquiera de ellos en cualquier momento.
  • Pañuelos y bufandas: existen muchas formas de guardar estos complementos: una de ellas es doblarlos en cajones y clasificarlos por colores. También utilizando una percha para pañuelos y bufandas.
Sacarle todo el partido a un vestidor es muy sencillo, solo es cuestión de cómo queremos tenerlo ordenado, qué cosas queremos que estén a la vista y qué ocultas.
Las puertas correderas pueden ser una de las mejores soluciones para ocultar todo lo que queramos, manteniendo ese aspecto moderno y sofisticado en todo nuestro vestidor.